When Your Child Needs a Therapist

We at The Kraft Group are honored to be mentioned, specifically, Leigh Kolodny-Kraft, in this article by YourCare Everywhere

"My son wouldn’t open up and when he did talk about some of his problems, he wasn’t fully forthcoming,” Casey Hess said. “I told him that when he had a fever, we took him to see a doctor, and that now he needs to see a doctor because he’s having trouble with his feelings.” This explanation also helps your child’s siblings understand why you’re taking your son to a therapist.Hess asked her son’s elementary school social worker and a few neighborhood friends for recommendations. Most therapists have websites; Hess read through many before interviewing a handful over the phone. Afterwards, she met with two who seemed the most promising.Then she narrowed down her choice and made an appointment for her son, who is eight.

“It’s important that parents let their children know that this isn’t a punishment,” Leigh Kolodny-Kraft, Executive Director and Therapist at The Kraft Group, Inc., which serves children, adolescents, and adults in Florham Park, N.J. “Children should understand that therapy is a way for them to express their feelings in a safe environment. And it’s important for parents to understand that, when it comes to children, we treat the family.”

...Read Full Article Here

By Michele C. Hollow



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